Using Horizons to send FSM/UIFSM Voucher Codes

Horizons is capable of importing, storing and sending your FSM/UIFSM voucher codes and check numbers.

The first thing to do is to create Custom Data Fields to hold the Voucher codes and Cheque Number codes.

Go to Admin Advanced Custom Data Fields and create two new Custom Data Fields.

 NameType  Who is this for
 Validation Text Pupils
 Chx No.TextPupils

Importing Voucher and Chx No. data into Horizons

Open the spreadsheet containing your Cheque Numbers and Validation Codes.

Insert a column containing the UPNs of the pupils who require the codes.

You can get the UPNs from Pupil Pupil List. Use the Choose Columns button to insert the UPN column.

Download as CSV and copy and paste UPNs into the voucher spreadsheet.

Delete any other columns in the spreadsheet so you’re left with a file containing UPNs, Cheque Numbers and Validation Codes. Save as a CSV (Comma Delimited)

Importing the CSV into Horizons

Navigate to Admin Import and press Choose Files and select the CSV you have just saved.

Accept the defaults and press Next. Confirm the header row and press Next.

Match the headers using the dropdown menus.

Select UPN for the first column, use the radio button to select Custom Data Field and pick your Chx No and Validation custom data items.

Press Next to import the data

Emailing the Data

First you need to create a template. There’s a blank template in Admin Templates that you can use, you just need to take a copy of it and add in some of your own details and point it at the custom data fields you have just created.

Go to Admin Advanced Custom Data Fields. Make a note of the PAML name for the two custom data items you have created.

Go to Admin Templates andchange the drop down at the top to All Templates available to [Your School].

Press Clone next to *EMAIL Meal Voucher BLANK.

Change the title of the report to EMAIL Meal Voucher [your school name]

In the body of the template make any required changes to the default text (change the dates in line 5, add in your name at the bottom on line 24).

Add the PAML name you got from Admin > Advanced > Custom Data Fields into the PAML tags in line 11 and 15 (make sure there are no spaces left in the PAML tag).

Save the template.

Sending the Email

Go to Pupil List and select the pupils that you want to email voucher info to.

Use the Pupil Actions drop down at the top and select Email.

In the Messaging screen click in the Templates box.

Choose your edited EMAIL Meal Voucher [your school name] template from the picker on the right.

Press the + button in the Template box to add the template to the body of the email. You are able to amend the text in the template using the text editor on this screen, but do be careful not to change any of the text inside the square brackets.

Make sure to give your email a subject, as you will not be able to send the email without one.

Press Next to choose your recipients and send the email.