The Parent App is available for all parents with pupils at a school using Horizons.
Understand what is going on in your school
Multiple studies have shown how effective parental engagement dramatically improves children’s academic outcomes.
The Parent App brings you a step closer to your child’s schooling.
Download for free on Android & Apple smart phones & devices.
Please note that your school may not have enabled all of these options:
Meals – Record your child’s meal choices for the week, up to three weeks in advance.
Payments – Make payments for specific trips, clubs or items and see your payment history.
School Shop – Make top up payments to various account and select and pay for any school created shop items
Repeating Bookable Events – Make bookings and payments for any bookable clubs
Attendance – Shows attendance for the year as well as giving you the ability to log absences.
Reports – Download any pupil reports from your child’s school.
Achievements – View recent milestones recorded for your child.
School information – View contact information for your child’s school.
Behaviour – View behaviour incidents
Events – View and give consent to any upcoming events your child is set as attending.
Absences– Notify your child’s school of any absence.
Profile – Update and notify the school of changes to your details the school holds for you
Logging in for the first time
If it is your first time using the app, your school will need to send you a sign up email which will contain a link where a password can be chosen.
Your password will need to be at least eight characters long and include a number, failure to follow these guidelines will result in you being unable to login.
You need to inform your school if your email address has changed.
Using The App
Once you have created login details you will be able to sign in with them on the Login screen .
If you have any issues logging in, tap First Login/Forgot Password to generate a choose password email.
If you’ve forgotten your username (the email address you registered with your school) you will need to contact your school office.
Once successfully logged in, you can choose a 4 digit pin which which can be used instead of your password to login. The home screen of the app will show any pupils your email address is linked to in Horizons.
If your child does not show, please contact the school as they may need to update your child’s pupil record.
Tap your child’s name to open their record where you will see various menu options reflecting the settings the school has put in place.
Parent Portal
If you prefer to use a computer, or you’d rather not use an App, you can always login to our Parent Portal using a web browser:
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are experiencing issues with the Pupil Asset App please reinstall the app to ensure that you have the latest version. You can download for iOS, or Android.
I’ve forgotten my password/username, what do I do?
Click or tap the Forgotten your password link on the login page to generate a new one. If you’ve forgotten your username (the email address you registered with your school) you will need to contact your school office.
If your contact details change, you need to inform your school.
How do I know if a payment has been processed?
The charge will say paid, and move into your payment history.
What happens if I’ve paid for a meal on a day my child is absent?
The system will recognise if a child is absent on the day a meal is taken and cancel it automatically for you. If your child is not absent for a full day but will miss their school meal, please inform your school office.
Can another party make payments for my child?
Anyone with linked access to a pupil and their own Pupil Asset account can make payments for that pupil.
Who should I contact if I have questions about a recent payment, charge or purchase?
Your school office will be able to help you with queries.
School Users
If you are a school Admin User looking for more information on managing the Parents App you can find more information here.